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Association for Roofing Professionals | Affiliate of FRSA and NCRA

Member Directory

Download our member directory or Contractor Directory here.

Membership Benefits Include:

Your membership dollars go toward operational expenditures to carry out the benefits listed above.

  • An organizational framework which provides a team of workers who are looking out for your interests even when your business and personal demands limit your active participation in Association matters.
  • Strength in numbers and concerted action to accomplish anything worthwhile for your industry.
  • An effective voice in business and government.
  • Education and instruction in the roofing and sheet metal profession.
  • Help to improve your business opportunities through PBCR&SMCA projects,
  • Enjoy friendship and fellowship with a cross-section of industry businessmen.
  • Regular communications on roofing and sheet metal news, local happenings, survey results of local industry trends and meeting announcements.
  • Hear informative speakers/programs and express your views at monthly membership meetings (held the 4th Wednesday of each month).
  • Committees working with industry report on developments to the Board and membership.
  • Let your elected leaders know your interests and opinions at Officers and Directors meetings.
  • Lobbyists in Tallahassee and Washington, D.C.
  • Member usage of PBCR&SMCA logo in advertising and logo decals on service trucks.
  • An Executive Director to professionally manage the Association.

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The above information is a listing of Palm Beach County Roofing & Sheet Metal Contractors’ Membership.

If any of this information is inaccurate or there has been a change of address, phone(s), personnel, email, website information or if the link to the site and/or email isn’t working properly, please contact:

Executive Director John Klinger

PHONE (561) 655-5393
FAX (561) 688-8807